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About Scheduling

Scheduling flexibility is one of the most advanced features in You can easily schedule individual pages, entire playlists (magazines), and even screens, and since all elements that can be scheduled are set to always play by default, you can opt to not schedule anything at all! Just put pages in the playlist, and your show will be up and running instantly, without having to schedule anything.

You can schedule screens, magazines, and pages independently. This powerful feature lets you create very sophisticated shows. You can have a single magazine that plays all the time while scheduling the pages within that magazine. Or you can have a lower priority magazine that has content that you want to play 'by default' and a higher priority magazine that has content (such as live feeds or special groups of pages) which will 'pre-empt' the lower magazine according to that higher priority magazine’s schedule.

There are many more ways you can combine screen, magazine, page and template scheduling. You can apply special plugins to work in conjunction with the scheduling features to further specify when a screen, magazine or page plays.

See Audience.plugins for more information.