You are here: Playback Design > Zones > Zone Titles

Zone Titles

The title field allows you to give your zone a user-friendly title, which appears in the tree, and on web systems.

To add a title

  • Right click on the zone and select Properties.
  • In the Title field type a user-friendly title.

To view titles in the directory tree

Right click on any element in the directory tree, and select View All Titles.

The icons in the tree will be flagged in red to indicate you are in View Titles mode.

Note: Note about titles: When using any of the three Duplicate Playback functions, we recommend viewing filenames in the directory tree rather than titles, at least until the duplication process is complete. Duplicated elements include the new screen name in their filenames, whereas linked elements do not. This provides a visual clue about which elements are duplicates (copies) and which elements are linked.