You are here: Content Creation > Audience.plugins > Action Plugins

Action Plugins

While all plugins perform an action of sorts, these ones specifically tell Audience to do something other than play a page when certain scheduling conditions apply.


Short Description

Beep Plugin

beep the computer's internal speakers when an event happens

Compare Plugin play if value in plugin is <, > or = to numeric/string value in an external file
Control Plugin set triggers to affect content or behaviour
EventLog Plugin writes an entry into the Windows Event Log when the page plays
Expression Plugin combine multiple plugins
Heartbeat Plugin write to a file whenever the page or magazine plays
Low Disk Plugin warn when the disk space is below the threshold set in the plugin
MailMsg Plugin send email whenever page plays
Multi combine multiple plugins
OnEnd execute command when page finishes playing
OnPlay and OnPreload launch external application while page plays or pre-loads
SerialDevice control an external device via a serial port
Target when page plays also play a page on a different device or play a magazine
TCPsend send a text string to a specified TCP port on host