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Audience.web is an optional Web application connected to Audience used for Webcasting your TV show in multiple forms:

  • Browser Mode will broadcast to Internet viewers
  • Fullscreen Mode for webcasting on digital signs or Windows 7 Thin Client computers.
  • ScreenSaver Mode displays a fullscreen show as a ScreenSaver.

Audience.web creates a web view similar to an Audience television output with one added feature: it is interactive (except for screen saver mode). All of the zones run independently – for example, the user can click on a zone and see the playlist. In 'Browser Mode', anyone on the web can see your show using Internet Explorer. In retail and industrial environments, 'Fullscreen Mode' displays a full screen with touch-screen optimized pop-up menus.

Audience.web can also be used as a stand-alone, co-located server in environments that have several fullscreen web systems at a single location. 

For each playback you create, Audience.web creates a matching web page. For example, if you create a playback called Classified, you will be able to view it on the web at

An Audience.web licence provides a web page for each playback (unlimited). It also provides 10 connections to a web page in fullscreen mose (including the full screen screen saver mode). All 10 fullscreen or screen savers Audience.web systems can connect to the same Audience show, or to 10 different Audience shows. Additional licenses can be purchased for more connections.